Making and Leaving the Sanctuary
“What remains of the dream of human autonomy once the subject has experienced itself as a penetrable hollow body?
Alien Mutation
I feel weird right now. I’ve been bouncing between different frequencies of vibrational intensity, that shake and move me.
the soul
“It is as if consciousness rests upon a self-sustaining and imagining substrate – an inner place or deeper person or ongoing presence – that is simply there even when all our subjectivity, ego, and consciousness go into eclipse.
Pointy Poetics
Pointy Poetics: A House for Emergent Terms “I should say: the house shelters day-dreaming, the house protects the dreamer, the house allows one to dream in peace.
The Lighting of Fugitive Souls
In these fluid times, the soul has changed location: it is neither within…where our religious traditions mostly situated it nor without, among the wondrous and presumably determined order of the material world, where the natural philosophers hid it.
loosening my fingers around abundance
I’m in a love affair with life right now and she’s giving me an abundance to muse upon.
The Second Cycle
There are embers of fire warming my belly again. I welcome this fire after giving myself a couple of winter months of rest and patience.
An Ode to Pleasure
The muse of Pleasure is dancing around me. There has been precious synchronicity with how it’s been unravelling and reweaving me in this Self-Directed Masters, so I will unpack it slowly and indulgently – allow this pleasure to suffuse my life and relationships, and deepen into an ethos guiding personal and systems transformation.
The Sympoiesis of Life Life-ing
I’ve been on a documentary kick lately, watching films from “The Symbiotic Earth” about the biologist Lynn Margulis, “Storytelling for Earthly Survival” about Donna Haraway, Nora Bateson’s “An Ecology of the Mind” about her father, Gregory Bateson, and “Infinite Potential” about David Bohm.